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Hollyoaks Theories - Texas' Death.

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Hollyoaks Theories - Texas' Death. I_vote_lcap0%Hollyoaks Theories - Texas' Death. I_vote_rcap 0% 
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Hollyoaks Theories - Texas' Death. I_vote_lcap0%Hollyoaks Theories - Texas' Death. I_vote_rcap 0% 
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Hollyoaks Theories - Texas' Death. I_vote_lcap0%Hollyoaks Theories - Texas' Death. I_vote_rcap 0% 
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Hollyoaks Theories - Texas' Death. I_vote_lcap0%Hollyoaks Theories - Texas' Death. I_vote_rcap 0% 
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Hollyoaks Theories - Texas' Death. I_vote_lcap0%Hollyoaks Theories - Texas' Death. I_vote_rcap 0% 
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Hollyoaks Theories - Texas' Death. I_vote_lcap0%Hollyoaks Theories - Texas' Death. I_vote_rcap 0% 
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Hollyoaks Theories - Texas' Death. I_vote_lcap100%Hollyoaks Theories - Texas' Death. I_vote_rcap 100% 
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Total Votes : 1

Hollyoaks Theories - Texas' Death. Empty Hollyoaks Theories - Texas' Death.

Post by louisewillis Fri May 10, 2013 7:56 am

So we all know about Texas' tragic fall/push on she and creepy Will's wedding day -although I think we all object to the matter of their marriage- but the real question is: Who done it? I want to know all about your theories about who you think done it. We all know our main suspects:
-Creepy Will
-Heartbroken Mark (Dodger)
-Jealous Theresa
-Frantic Leanne
-The Doctor (Paul Browning)

Those are the main alleged "murder" suspects but maybe there are some we are forgetting about? Will, Dodger, Liberty and Sienna's Mum, who was at the wedding and disappeared mid-reception, she's obviously got a few loose bolts but is she capable of murdering her son's new wife? What was her motive?

Finally, there is one last suspect who played a key part in Texas' life: Silas. Thus, introducing my own theory. I believe that Silas was at the wedding, some way, somehow he was there. I also believe that Will can actually walk and is lying to everyone. Now then, alibis:
- Will with Leanne -like he said to the police officer in Leanne's statement- and Doctor Browning giving Dr Browning the money which he owed them. Will lied in Leanne's statement saying they were at the bathroom as it was stolen money. Also, they all ran out to Texas at roughly the same time moments after she hit the ground. Will -keeping up the act of being paraplegic- would've been in his chair and wouldn't be able to push Texas and get downstairs in his chair to be there just after she fell.
- Mark (Dodger) as soon as Texas hit him, he ran. He was unaware that Texas had died -when Sienna told him- and he wouldn't have been able to get back to the boat that fast after Texas fell. When he said "she's gone" to Darren he meant he was no longer in his reach and was now Will's wife. He just wanted away.
- Theresa too busy stalking Dodger and burning up name tags on the dinner tables, she also arrived out of the building with Leanne etc. She didn't have enough time to get down two floors just after she fell.

Overall, I believe Will had set out to help Silas finish what he started. Silas always wanted Texas dead and Will was obsessed with Silas and how his mind worked and wanted to get back at Dodger and Texas. What a better way to do it? A bit too far and a bit of a leap (pardon the pun) but I think it all fits. Silas has been missing long enough hasn't he?

May I just add that the actor who plays Silas is due to return soon this year and has been spotted in the village reading scripts: http://m.digitalspy.co.uk/soaps/s13/hollyoaks/scoop/a388248/hollyoaks-silas-blissett-actor-jeff-rawle-returns-to-set.html

Anyway, let me know what you think. scratch

Last edited by louisewillis on Fri May 10, 2013 8:31 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Missed important information)

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Join date : 2013-05-10
Age : 26
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